How digital-first solutions can help your agency make a difference.
Striving for greater efficiency and better experiences in government.

The world of government services and work has been turned on its head.
Whether it is from shifts in our rapidly changing economy, the impact from a devastating natural disaster, or the massive disruption caused by a global pandemic, our lives are more impacted by the forces around us than ever before. This has created a critical need for government to increase its investment in digital services and ensure their customers receive a consistent, reliable, and secure web and mobile experience.
However, what needs to be acknowledged by agency leaders and IT decision-makers is that the digital experiences government creates for the people it serves must also directly support government employees to ensure they help streamline workflows, increase remote access and enhance productivity.
For federal, state and local government leaders, the pandemic has brought several realizations about the new world of work:
When it comes to digital government, there is a direct correlation between implementing customer-centric solutions and improved worker productivity. In short, better customer experience (CX) yields better worker experience (WX).
Adopting online forms and electronic signatures not only speed-up enrollment in services, but can improve internal process management and procurement.
Cloud-based project management solutions increase manager and team visibility into work, foster collaboration and allow productivity to remain high regardless of where the employee is working.
This guide identifies several areas government needs to focus on, including:
- Better customer experience (CX) yields better worker experience (WX).
- The value of online forms and electronic signatures for the customer and employee.