Increasing the Value of Olive Oil with Pall SUPRApak™
The quality of olive oil is dictated in large part by olive varieties and conditions of their growth. The wax content in these oils is concerning, as consumers often prefer bright, clear products at typical storage temperatures. These waxes are released into the olive oil during processing and cause haze, affecting its visual appeal. Waxes also negatively affect flavor profile, masking some of the fruity and spicy flavor notes that are sought after in premium olive oils.
Download our application bulletin, Increasing the Value of Olive Oil with Pall SUPRApak™ Technology, to learn how an olive oil producer overcame its challenge of reducing a significant volume of high wax oils in their production, which was affecting the market price of their product. You’ll discover how they implemented Pall SUPRApak filtration technology to produce excellent filtrate quality, which provided a three to four-fold increase in its commercial value!
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