Important versus vital records: the small percentage with a big impact

Although they number just a few percent of an organization’s total record population, vital records and how you care for them can have a big impact on your business. These records require special preservation measures—ones that aren’t found in ordinary on- and offsite storage facilities. Whether a legal document, photograph, customer record, X-ray, blueprint, patent, corporate article, or oneof-a-kind object, when it comes to vital records, storage is the single most important factor in determining their useful life.
How do you identify what records are vital to your organization? What measures should you take to ensure their long-term protection? How does the material of which a record is made influence its longevity—and guide your choice of storage solution?
The question remains: Have you done enough to preserve your organization’s vital and irreplaceable five percent? This white paper will help you define what your vital records are, understand the risks associated with inadequate preservation, evaluate storage options, and implement an effective vital records program for your organization.
Read the vital records whitepaper attached.
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