Identity And Access Management In A Post-Pandemic World

New World Demands A New Look At Identity And Access Management
As organisations move beyond the pandemic, they must contend with two new realities: 1) a growing number of employees looking to work remotely and 2) an increase in digital threats, enabled by employees connecting to work applications on their own devices (BYOD) and from outside the company network.
This crossroad poses a particular risk for organisations that have not adopted an effective identity and access management (IAM) practice. Our study of 270 business and technology decision-makers and influencers involved in and responsible for privacy and/or security at their organisations across ANZ and SEA found that firms must do more to meet the IAM and security demands of the new remote-centric world.
Download this report produced in partnership with Forrester to learn how IT leaders across Australia, New Zealand, and South East Asia invest their energy to fortify their Cyber Security posture by shifting into a Zero Trust strategy implementing the optimal set of IAM solutions.