How Marketers Can Harness Data Science to Enable
Personalization at Scale

Data science enables marketing organizations to consolidate and extract insights from all their data regardless of format, recognize patterns in that data, and predict future behavior to build real- or near real-time personalization campaigns at scale. In this ebook, you’ll learn how your marketing team can harness data science to:

  • Collapse data silos to enable a 360-degree view of customers
  • Provide fast, scalable access to data by supporting concurrent workloads
  • Build efficient data pipelines to improve speed to insight and reduce complexity
  • Future-proof your infrastructure to support a variety of tools, libraries, and frameworks without replatforming
  • Embed data scientists in business teams to improve exposure to real-world business problems
  • Attract and retain premier data science talent
  • Download our ebook, How Marketers Can Harness Data Science to Enable Personalization at Scale, to learn more.

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