There are many different vendors in the rapidly evolving identity and access
management market (IAM). For security and risk management leaders who
are selecting an IAM solution, this can pose a significant challenge when
evaluating the appropriate technology for their organization. To help IAM
professionals better understand the business and technology impact of
selecting a new solution, Gartner has created a “Buyer’s Guide for Choosing
an IAM Solution”.
Download the report to learn the five-step approach to structuring your
evaluation process and negotiating the best price.
Gartner recommendations for IAM buyers include:
Align disparate stakeholders by identifying and communicating clear drivers for making the AM investment. Explain its importance for enabling business, enhancing user experience (UX), improving operational efficiencies, improving security or meeting compliance requirements.
Take a structured approach to inventorying AM business requirements by assessing use cases, application inventory and scope of AM adjacencies for both external and internal users.
Evaluate the AM needs of your organization by mapping internal drivers and use cases to external trends like convergence of IAM features, SaaS adoption, password less authentication, adaptive access, open source and cybersecurity mesh.