5 Reasons B2C Marketers Should Care About Their
Data Warehouse

B2C marketers are well aware of the power of data to personalize content, experiences, and offers to individual customers, and to optimize media and channel mix decision-making. But data silos—the practice  of storing different types of information in separate, disconnected systems—often keep that coveted “customer 360” out of reach.

Legacy data-warehousing technologies stayed in the purview of the IT department for decades, with little visibility to or interaction from marketing teams and other business functions. Until now. Today, marketers can ensure they’re extracting maximum value from their data, and make it accessible and actionable in real time with a cloud-built data warehouse where all of a company’s data can be securely stored, and then seamlessly accessed by technical and non-technical users alike.

In our ebook, 5 Reasons B2C Marketers Should Care About Their Data Warehouse, we explore the benefits that modern data warehousing unlocks for marketers, with a focus on:

  • Obtaining a holistic view of customers to deliver personalized experiences, increasing loyalty, and lifetime value (LTV)
  • Increasing speed to ROI by enabling data and analytics teams to be more agile
  • Harnessing predictive analytics to improve customer experience and inform spend,  channel mix, merchandising, and other key marketing decisions
  • Attracting and retaining high-value analytics talent
  • Getting ahead of IT and regulatory  compliance requirements

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